Meet Jazz Singer Marlen Tjøsvoll, striking a pose at Agios Nikolaos, Greece


„You have to press the pain points in your life in order to be happy. You cannot run away from your issues.“

Marlen Tjøsvoll

Interview With marlen Tjøsvoll

Paula: What did you think of the village when you first got here and what do you love most about this village and its people?

Paula: You mentioned that your mother was the first to recognize your musical talent and your voice. What made you decide to pursue music studies?

Paula: It sounds like your journey with jazz was quite serendipitous. Can you tell us more about your experiences after graduating?

Paula: That must have been an amazing experience. What happened after that?

Paula: How did you overcome that challenging period?

Paula: Did this period influence your music?

Paula: Is there a special meaning or message you want to convey through your music?

Paula: Your repertoire includes a wide variety of jazz styles. Do you also write your own songs?

Paula: How do you deal with stage fright?

Paula: Does fashion help you express your personality as a singer?

Marlen: I’ve always been fascinated by fashion as a means of self-expression. I’ve gone through various phases; for instance, I used to exclusively wear styles from the 60s and 70s. I prefer bright colors over earthy tones, leaning slightly towards a more masculine aesthetic. I appreciate clothing that flows rather than being overly tight.

Paula: How do you choose your outfits for performances, and do you think fashion plays a role in your stage presence?

Paula: Marlen, thank you for sharing so openly.

Behind the Scenes

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